Web-Age Information Management: WAIM 2012 International Workshops: GDMM 2012, IWSN 2012, MDSP 2012, USDM 2012, and XMLDM 2012, Harbin, China, August ... 7419 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
by Bao Zhifeng,Yunjun Gao,Yu Gu,Longjiang Guo,Yingshu Li,Jiaheng Lu,Ren Zujie,Chaokun Wang,Xiao Zhang
Web-Age Information Management: WAIM 2012 International Workshops: GDMM 2012, IWSN 2012, MDSP 2012, USDM 2012, and XMLDM 2012, Harbin, China, August ... 7419 (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
by Bao Zhifeng,Yunjun Gao,Yu Gu,Longjiang Guo,Yingshu Li,Jiaheng Lu,Ren Zujie,Chaokun Wang,Xiao Zhang
ISBN 13: 9783642330490
Format: Paperback
(392 pages)
Publisher: Springer
Published: 10 Oct 2012
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